Authentically leading and empowering others to flourishing life in Christ

Converge Students Midweek in Review: Volume 1

Converge Students Midweek in Review: Volume 1

Here comes a new feature on the blog and a total rip off of Josh Griffin on the DYM Blog, but its fun and different perspective.


Weekend Teaching Series: Fight the Giants: Tonight we Fight (week 3 of 3)

Sermon Synopsis: This week we wrapped up our three week series on 1 Samuel 17 featuring David and Goliath with a station worship session. Week one was “Name Your Giants” with week two being titled: “Fight Right.” The aim of the night was to create space for students to surrender the fight to Jesus.

Service Length: 64 minutes + Small Groups

Special Elements: This week was completely different from other wednesday gatherings. We didn’t do any “fun” in particular. Instead, we dove right into worship and then straight into the stations. These stations were designed to help students engage, personally, the giants that they face in their lives. Our goal was to start some significant conversations that they might want to have with the leaders who were around the room and their small group leaders.

Music Playlist: Who You Say I Am, Goodness of God, Tremble, Way Maker (Response Song)

Takeaway: Students are hungry for substantial meaning. Earlier in the week I had a few students tell me that they were bummed that they couldn’t make it because they didn’t want to miss their small group or the message because this series has challenged them in a good way. Always love when students value what you want them to value in your ministry!

Solid Volunteers: Early on in the service, a student pulled me aside and we had a pretty significant conversation that required significant attention. This pulled me away from the program flow and a few of my key leaders were a bit nervous to step into a new role; or at least one that they aren’t completely used to. I loved coming back and hearing that everything went off without a hitch and that everything was very well received.

Next Up: AWAKEN Intergenerational Service

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