All in Leadership

Into Year Thirty-Eight

April 14th always brings with It a wave of texts, posts, and messages that always overwhelm me with gratitude for the many people that I have been so blessed to have in my life. To all those that sent those messages - thank you. You are a blessing to me and I’m so grateful for you.

What time do you have?

Have you ever stopped to notice what you spend your time doing? I think we could learn far more about what we believe and the priorities we have put in place simply by examining the things that we give our minutes to each day and each week.

Why a Podcast?

There are a whole slew of resources, books, podcasts and conferences directly intended to address leadership questions, tensions, and issues from the front seat of the organization. But what about the backseat? What about the perspective from the person who isn’t driving the organization? That and other questions inform why we are starting a podcast.